LBNB news
Presentations of the First AESAN Risk Assessment Conference AESAN (14/09/2023)
Meeting of tasters: Experts from OD Binissalem and the PGI Sobrassada de Mallorca meet in a technical conference Última Hora (29/06/2023)
The Spanish Agency for Food Safety celebrates a risk assessment seminary for the 20th anniversary of its Scientific Committee La Vanguardia (07/06/2023)
Our bodies: TOFI's, perinatal nutrition, and the brain's wiring Pint of Science Festival (24/05/2023)
House of congress brings together 500 experts in Pediatric Endocrinology Mallorca Diario (09/05/2023)
International experts decipher at ADEMA-UIB the keys of DNA and the microbiome to reduce the obesity pandemic Fibwi Diario (26/04/2023)
The new healthy and sustainable foods in the green and biotechnological transition Diario de Mallorca (17/04/2023)
Towards european front-of-pack nutrition labelling for healthy eating Diario de Mallorca (28/03/2023)
International Day of Mathematics Diario de Mallorca (14/03/2023)
The quality food of the Balearic Islands in the European framework Diario de Mallorca (10/03/2023)
Andreu Palou: "In moderate amounts, sobrassada has some interesting nutritional properties" Foravila (23/01/2023)
Highly esterified pectin probiotic supplementation improves blood pressure and cardiovascular risk biomarker profile Infosalut (21/12/2022)
Siurell Award to the Faculty of Medicine Última Hora (25/11/2022)
Are you "skinny fat"? Appearances are misleading, biomarkers are not The Conversation (17/10/2022)
The Regulatory Board of the PGI "Sobrasada de Mallorca" becomes a sponsor of TaPalma 2022 Fibwi Diario (20/09/2022)
If someone is a TOFI (thin-outside-fat-inside), their immune cells can reveal it The Conversation (19/07/2022)
With the end of this pandemic, it is urgent to prioritize science Última Hora (30/03/2022)