Projects and collaborations
The LBNB research group has taken part in 27 projects during the past ten years, 9 of them have been national and 5 international. All of them are projects related to nutrigenomics, the search for health biomarkers, early biomarkers of obesity and metabolic disorders, and health claims.
Additionally, the laboratory participates in different applied projects (related to transferred patents) with different multinational companies such as Nestlé, Danone, Unilever and Bioiberica, national companies such as Puleva and Central Lechera Asturiana, and other specialized industries, such as LAMIRSA.
Among these projects, the following could be highlighted:
International Projects
- INTEGRActiv: Identification and validation of integrative biomarkers of physical activity level and health in children and adolescents. Program from the JPI HDHL and STAMIFY European Commission initiatives (2022-2025).
- PREVENTOMICS: Empowering consumers to prevent diet-related diseases through omics sciences. It is a project part of the Framework Program, granted from the H2020 call DT-SFS-14-2018 on Personalized Nutrition (2018-2021).
- I.FAMILY: Determinants of eating behavior in European children, adolescents and their parents. It was part of the VII Framework Program of the European Union (2012-2017).
- DIABAT: Recruitment and activation of brown adipocytes as preventive and curative therapy for type 2 diabetes. It also took part of the VII Framework Program of the European Union (2011-2015).
- BIOCLAIMS: Biomarkers of Robustness of Metabolic Homeostasis for Nutrigenomics-derived Health Claims Made on Food. Granted from the VII Framework Program of the European Union (2010-2015).
National Projects
- BioMarkUrin: Identification of new biomarkers (miRNAs and metabolites) in urine at pediatric age related to the metabolic programming of obesity. Within the Health Research Projects program, funded by Carlos III Health Institute (2021-2023).
- CoMCEO: Translational Research in Obesity: Generation of a CIBER Prospective Multicentric Cohort for the Study of Obesity - Genetic, Epigenetic and Hormonal Studies, and relationship with Pre-existing Singular Cohorts. It took part of the CIBEROBN 2021 intramural research projects (2021-2022).
- XMilk: Sex-dependent differences in metabolic programming by breast milk bioactives: new ingredients for the prevention of overweight and its mechanisms. It was part of the National Food Technology Program, funded by the Spanish Government (2019-2022).
- METAHEALTH-TEST: Study of the usefulness of blood cells for the analysis of metabolic recovery after lifestyle improvement and/or weight loss. Within the Synergia 2018 call funded by IdISBa (2018-2020).
- The role of miRNAs contributed by breast milk and its translational potential to contribute to the development of preventive strategies for obesity: A project from the Health Research Fund of the Carlos III Health Institute (2018-2020).
- INTERBIOBES: The interaction between nutrients/bioactive in foods as determinants of metabolic programming in the prevention of obesity and its complications. Part of the National Program of Food Technologies awarded by the Government of Spain (2016-2018).
- EPIMILK: Detection and characterization of bioactive compounds in milk. A nutritional approach to obesity. It was part of the research projects awarded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2013-2015).
- Nutriepigenetics of the control of body adiposity: studies in animals’ models of differential susceptibility to obesity based on nutritional interventions in primary stages. This project was part of the XVI National Contest for the Adjudication of Aids to Scientific and Technical Research of the Ramón Areces Foundation (2012-2015).
UIB Projects:
- Personalized food as new strategies (2017-2021).
- BIOTHERM: Blood biomarkers of thermogenic effects in humans (2016-2020).
- BIOBIP: Obesity Biomarkers: Bioinformatics and Telematic Platforms.
- MECALI: Characterization of the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of cellular and metabolic processes for foods and food components in relation to the control of body weight, obesity and associated metabolic complications, cancer and aging (2016-2019).
- IBIFLEX: Identification of transcriptomic biomarkers of metabolic flexibility and response to bioactive compounds in human blood cells (2016-2019).
Networks of excellence:
- CaRed: Spanish Network of Carotenoids: It is part of the State Program for the Promotion of Scientific and Technical Research of Excellence, in Modality 3: "Excellence Networks" dynamization actions of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (2019-2020).
- EUROCAROTEN: European network to advance in the research and application of carotenoids in agro-food and health (2016-2020).
- Carotenoids in the Net: From microorganisms and plants to food and health. It is part of the State Program for the Promotion of Scientific and Technical Research of Excellence, in Modality 3: "Dynamics Networks" of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2016-2018).
- Control of the biosynthesis of carotenoids in the context of the metabolism of the plant cell: It is part of the "Network of Excellence" of the State Program for Scientific and Technical Research of Excellence, awarded by the Ministry of Health, Economy and Competitiveness (2016-2017)
- MARCASALUD: National project consisting of 8 groups dedicated to the search of nutrigenomic biomarkers and health claims in foods (2014-2016).